Training and Deployment
Training Management
Employee training forms a key part of quality control as well as governance, risk and compliance programs for all companies, big or small. For companies whose operations require compliance with federal regulation such of FDA and EMEA which are following standards such as ISO 9001 in combination with ISO 13485, streamlined regulatory compliance training procedures and ability to monitor the effectiveness of training are essential to reducing the risk of noncompliance. Moreover, regulations such as Sarbanes Oxley have created the need for specialized training for employees playing key compliance-related roles so that they can learn and apply the best practices to streamline compliance processes and meet the regulatory demands.
Training Management Software
We Support various of Training Management software modules which are comprehensive solutions that enables effective management of the overall training process by maintaining course offerings and course descriptions for easy review by employees and managers, scheduling classes, providing feedback on instructors and course material effectiveness, maintaining training records and conducting gap analysis to ensure regulatory compliance. The powerful analytics and reporting capability with graphical dashboards to monitor training programs and effectiveness gives managers complete real-time visibility into the organization’s training management system.
Our solutions are unique offering that brings together a comprehensive repository of compliance courses and a framework for simplified training delivery and tracking. The solution ensures that the training requirements are fully met and recorded from a compliance standpoint as well as provides employees easy access to a variety of training programs delivered by expert trainers and compliance specialists.
- Complement internal resources and content with thousands of courses from world-experts
- Integrate compliance training spanning all regulatory requirements across the organization on a common platform
- Streamline training request and approval process with online coordination and communication
- Reduce the risk of noncompliance by monitoring training levels and by maintaining accurate records as evidence of compliance
- Reduce risks of repeat quality events by triggering ad-hoc training
- Increase operational efficiency through well-trained staff
- Increase training transparency, providing fast analysis into corporate training needs